We are a small organisation with huge aspirations to inspire more love in our world . We are in the very early stages of developing our site.
We are operating on good lovely will. We are a small group of part timers.
Please support us by sharing our social media post. We do not have a marketing budget. Actually there is no budget.
You are invited to help in anyway. We want to start other projects.
We have a no frills Patreon account if you want to support Bit Loves. (click here)
Thank you for taking time out to learn more us. we will be updating this soon.
Meet the team

I'm a 25 year old professional fundraiser who studied Geography and Politics BA at Queen Mary. I've been engaged in many social justice causes including the Muslims against ISIS #notinmyname campaign and supporting litigants in person at the Royal Courts of Justice. I live in Brighton now and have a new focus on self-empowerment through lifestyle choices. I'm learning lots about nutrition, yoga, and various mystery schools to find answers to the ailments of modern life.
Alice Roder

I am a creative activist, a teacher, an artist, a dancer, a musician, a volunteering addict, and much more. I am the founder of InfiniteLoves.com, IndigenousPeoplesEmbassy.com,
I love connecting with people and sharing smiles. I am driven by a passion to live in a more harmonious world where we can appreciate the beauty in each other.
Kwame Djemjem